Do I Have to Hire Apprentices on Public Works Contracts

CA DIR Rules On Hiring Apprentices
Important Notice Regarding Changes in CCR 230.1

An addition has been made to section 230.1 regarding employment of apprentices on public works it is effective as of November 16, 2011. To see a copy of the amended regulation please click on the following link:

In general, for covered projects for the purpose of determining whether a contractor has properly requested an apprentice, all requests for dispatch of an apprentice, with 40 or more hours of journeyman work, requests shall be for not less than 8 hours per day per apprentice or 20% of the estimated apprentice hours” required to meet ratio whichever is greater.

If the total project journeyman hours are less than 40 hours, you must still request an apprentice and meet the requirements by employing apprentices at the 20% ratio at the end of the project. However, the requests may be in less than 8 hour increments. For example, if your project requires a total only 30 journeyman hours, the requirement would be to employ an apprentice for 6 hours. Your DAS 142 (Request for Dispatch of an Apprentice) would state a request for 6 hours. That request could come in the form of 6 hours in one day, 3 hours on 2 days, or any other combination to reach the required 20% at the end of the project.

For projects with less than 40 TOTAL Journeyman hours, you are not required to request dispatch of an apprentice for 8 hours if they are needed for less than 8 to meet the ratio.


**Understanding CA DIR Labor Compliance Rules and Regulations
**Federal Davis-Bacon FAQ’s
**SF Local-Hire Regulations
**Navigating DIR Websites – There’s More There Then You Think!
**CA DIR Prevailing Wages FAQ’s
**Federal Davis-Bacon Contractors Guide
**Consulting – Labor Compliance Group


  • CA DIR and Davis-Bacon Compliance Training (On-site and Teleconference)
  • Review Public Works Pre-Construction Contracts
  • Monitor DIR Contractor/Subcontractor Certified Payrolls
  • Audit Labor Classification For Each Worker Employed
  • Review DIR Pre-DAS 140/142 Submissions
  • Review CAC Training Fund Contributions Form CAC-2
  • Review DIR Fringe Benefits Statement PW-26
  • Monitor DIR Wage Determinations
  • Audit Fringe Benefits Allowances
  • Review DIR Holiday Payment Requirements
  • Audit DIR Travel & Subsistence Requirements
  • DIR & Davis-Bacon Training
  • DIR Civil Wage Penalty Review
  • Local-Hire Review (e.g., San Francisco, Berkeley, Sacramento)
  • Explain DIR Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements

Labor Compliance Group
108 Waterglen Circle, Sacramento, CA 95826

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