CA DIR DAS 140 & DAS 142 Q&A

Notification of Contract Award
When should I submit a DAS-140 (notification of Contract award)?

The Contract Award Information must be in writing and submitted to the applicable committee(s) within 10 days of the date of the prime or subcontract but in no event later than the first day the contractor has workers employed on the public works project. This is simply a notification of award; it is not automatically a request for dispatch of a registered apprentice. The information submitted must include an estimate of journeyman hours to be performed under the contract, the number of apprentices proposed to be employed, and the approximate dates the apprentices would be employed.

Where do I send the DAS-140?

If you are a contractor already approved to train apprentices (participating with a DAS recognized Apprenticeship Committee): “Contractors who are already approved to train apprentices must provide contract award information to the apprenticeship committee for each applicable apprenticeable craft or trade that has approved the contractor in the area of the site of the of the public works project.” If you are not already approved to train by an Apprenticeship Committee: “Contractors not already approved to train apprentices must submit Contract Award Information (DAS-140) to every apprenticeship program in the geographic area of the public works project, for each craft you intend to employ on the project”. You can determine which apprenticeship programs are approved in specific geographic locations by searching our interactive database.

What are the differences between box 1, 2, and 3 at the bottom of the DAS-140?

– Box 1 is for contractors who are already approved to train by an apprenticeship program (signatory/member).

– Box 2 indicates that a contractor is willing to comply with a program’s Standards for the current project only. This generally means that the fringe benefits and the training funds will be paid to that Committee’s Trust Fund. It also allows a contractor to take advantage of a more generous maximum ratio than the CAC Standards, but does not affect the minimum ratio of 1 apprentice hour for every 5 journeyman hours.

– Box 3 means that a contractor will be governed by the regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council. Generally this means that the minimum and maximum ratio for apprentices is the same – 1 apprentice hour for every 5 journeyman hours per each craft, totaled at the end of the project. It also means the Training Fund Contribution is usually paid to the California Apprenticeship Council.

I am a registered Contractor and hire temp agencies to supply my workers. Am I still responsible for sending a DAS-140 and requesting apprentices (DAS-142)?

Apprenticeship requirements are the responsibility of the contractor. If a Contractor relies on the temp agency and there are problems it is the Contractor who will be responsible for any resulting penalties.

Can I send a DAS-140 and/or DAS-142 after the project is completed?

Sometimes a General contractor or Compliance officer will ask a Contractor to send the required apprenticeship documents after a project is over. If you send the DAS-140 and DAS-142 after the project is over it is considered to comply with their request and does not eliminate or reduce the exposure for penalties. Contractors who send the DAS-140s and/or DAS-142 forms after the project is finished are still considered to be out of compliance and subject to penalties if a complaint is filed with DLSE.


**Understanding CA DIR Labor Compliance Rules and Regulations
**Federal Davis-Bacon FAQ’s
**SF Local-Hire Regulations
**Navigating DIR Websites – There’s More There Then You Think!
**CA DIR Prevailing Wages FAQ’s
**Federal Davis-Bacon Contractors Guide
**Consulting – Labor Compliance Group


  • CA DIR and Davis-Bacon Compliance Training (On-site and Teleconference)
  • Review Public Works Pre-Construction Contracts
  • Monitor DIR Contractor/Subcontractor Certified Payrolls
  • Audit Labor Classification For Each Worker Employed
  • Review DIR Pre-DAS 140/142 Submissions
  • Review CAC Training Fund Contributions Form CAC-2
  • Review DIR Fringe Benefits Statement PW-26
  • Monitor DIR Wage Determinations
  • Audit Fringe Benefits Allowances
  • Review DIR Holiday Payment Requirements
  • Audit DIR Travel & Subsistence Requirements
  • DIR & Davis-Bacon Training
  • DIR Civil Wage Penalty Review
  • Local-Hire Review (e.g., San Francisco, Berkeley, Sacramento)
  • Explain DIR Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements

Labor Compliance Group
108 Waterglen Circle, Sacramento, CA 95826

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