CA DIR Contractor Registration Q&A

Contractors and Contractor Registration

Who is a public works contractor?

A public works contractor is anyone who bids on or enters into a contract to perform work that requires the payment of prevailing wages. It includes subcontractors who have entered into a contract with another contractor to perform a portion of the work on a public works project. It includes sole proprietors and brokers who are responsible for performing work on a public works project, even if they do not have employees or will not use their own employees to perform the work.

Who needs to register as a public works contractor?

Anyone who fits within the definition of public works contractor (above) is required to register with the DIR.

Is a contractor who only does Davis-Bacon work under federal contracts required to register?

Registration is required only to bid or work on public works projects that are subject to the prevailing wage requirements of the State of California. Registration is not required for projects that are awarded by and under the complete control of the federal government. However, federally funded or assisted projects that are controlled or carried out by awarding bodies in California are subject to the state’s prevailing wage laws and therefore require registration.

Who is eligible to register?

Contractors must meet the following requirements to register:
– Have workers’ compensation coverage for any employees and only use subcontractors who are registered public works contractors.
– Have a Contractors State License Board license if applicable to trade.
– Have no delinquent unpaid wage or penalty assessments owed to any employee or enforcement agency.
– Not be under federal or state debarment.
– Not be in prior violation of this registration requirement once it becomes effective. However, for the first violation in a 12-month period, a contractor may still qualify for registration by paying an additional penalty.

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